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Drostanolone Enanthate for Sale (2)

Drostanolone - anabolic and androgenic steroid, also known under the trade names Drolban, Permastril, Metormon and Masteron. Produced in the form of two esters - Propionate (Di-Propionate) and Enanthate, which define the basic characteristics of the steroid. Character of exposure remains unchanged, but the active ingredient at different rates gets into the blood. Drostanolone Propionate allows to obtain the effect in 1-3 days after the injection, Drostanolone Enanthate is valid half of a month.

Masteron has a mild anabolic and high androgenic effects. It does not undergo conversion to estrogens, as an aromatase inhibitor. According to their biological nature Drostanolone is similar to dihydrotestosterone and its derivative. Chemical formula - 2-alpha-dihydrotestosterone propionate. Initially Drostanolone Propionate and Drostanolone Enanthate were used exclusively as a medical device for the treatment of breast cancer, but after some time had been canceled due to the high probability of occurrence of virilization. The most common Masteron steroid is available in vials of 100 and 50 mg/ml.

Drostanolone Effects

  • Saving gained muscle mass, increases bump, the density and hardness of muscle. Most often, bodybuilders use Masteron shortly before the competition and off cycle.
  • Pronounced fat burning properties that has been proven by scientific research (fat mass after a cycle of drostanolone decreased by 5-7%).
  • Increase in power rates.
  • Mild diuretic effect.
  • Inhibition of catabolic processes.

Drostanolone Only Cycle

As for how to take Drostanolone Propionate and Drostanolone Enanthate, the athletes show the best results at a dosage of 400-500 mg per week. The increase in input volume does not provide a proportional increase of physiological parameters, which is not rapidly increasing the chance of side effects.

Drostanolone cycle involves the injection of Masteron Propionate every other day or three times a week, Drostanolone Enanthate is injected once in 7 days. Starting steroid use is recommended after consultation with a sports doctor and a complete diagnosis of the condition of the body. During the reception of AAS make necessary analyzes and make appropriate adjustments to the cycle.

Drostanolone Combined Cycles

Solo Drostanolone cycle has some disadvantages, which can neutralize the inclusion in the course of other anabolic and androgenic steroids. Drostanolone is characterized by a high affinity to the androgen receptor, so it is best combined with Winstrol and Oxandrolone. Last preparation particularly effective because weakly interacts with the androgen receptor and reduces the level of binding globulin sex hormones. Thus, a synergistic effect. For gaining muscle mass, Masteron is recommended to combine with Testosterone Propionate. But such a cycle to compensate the suppression of endogenous testosterone level should be taken Gonadotropin. Masteron is compatible with Boldenone and Trenbolone.

Drostanolone Side Effects

Low pronounced anabolic index facilitates fat burning properties, but at the same time considerably increases the risk of manifestation of androgen reactions. Possible Masteron side effects are virilization, acne, baldness, prostatic hypertrophy, and increased aggression. The drug does not cause elevation of blood pressure, water retention, and virtually non-toxic to the liver.

Drostanolone / Masteron Reviews

It is a specific steroid with androgenic activity which exceeds anabolic activity. Reviews of Drostanolone speak of it as a good fat burner, especially if used in combination with other sterodis, compensating androgenic effects. As for the Masteron only cycle, then the excess of the recommended dosage is likely to lead to the appearance of side effects.

Reviews of Drostanolone Propionate / Drostanolone Enanthate recommends this steroid to increase the bump, hardness and lean muscles. Women are not advised to use this drug due to the high risk of virilization.

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