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Oxymetholone for Sale (6)

Oxymetholone - one of the most powerful anabolic and androgenic steroids. It was first released on the market in 1960 by Syntex Pharmaceuticals under the name Anadrol. Originally used for medical purposes - to stimulate muscle growth in debilitated and malnourished patients, treatment of anemia and osteoporosis. Later, Oxymetholone was approved by the FDA (the leading US Food and Drug Administration) for use by people. After some time, were invented more effective medications, and steroids began to be used purely for sport. However, recent studies have shown the effectiveness of Oxymetholone in the fight against HIV.

Oxymetholone Steroid Profile

  • Anabolic effects - 320% of testosterone.
  • Androgenic effect - 45% of testosterone.
  • Conversion rate into estrogen - there is a pronounced estrogenic effect.
  • Effects on the liver - moderate.
  • The release form - tablets. Oxymetholone injection is hardly produced.
  • Anadrol duration - up to 15 hours.
  • Detection time at Doping Control - up to 8 weeks.

Oxymetholone Effects

  • Severe muscle mass gains. The steroid is perhaps the most effective means tableted for a set of muscle mass. Over the cycle of Oxymetholone you can add up to 15 kilograms. This rollback phenomenon can be up to 30% of the gained mass.
  • Increase in power rates.
  • Improving the mobility of joints, eliminating the pain.
  • Stimulation of synovial fluid.
  • Reducing globulin, sex hormone binding. The effect can significantly increase the effects of other anabolic and androgenic steroids on the cycle.

Oxymetholone Dosage / Cycle / Stack

Oxymetholone cycle is recommended for adult athletes without any contraindications. Before taking you must undergo a full medical examination and consult a physician. Oxymetholone dosage and duration rate is calculated individually and depends on the goals of the pharmacological experiment, as well as characteristics of the organism. The recommended duration of administration is 4-6 weeks, the maximum permissible dose - 100 milligrams daily. Increased rates usually do not lead to better results and merely increases the likelihood of side effects. Beginners should restrict Oxymetholone intake by a dose of 50 milligrams per day.

After Anadrol cycle it is necessarily to take PCT. Within 3-4 weeks to restore endogenous testosterone, boosters are accepted. The maximum effect of Oxymetholone may be obtained by adhering to the appropriate diet. Oxymetholone is a synergist, because it reduces the concentration of binding globulin sex hormones.

Combined Cycles With Oxymetholone

As for how to buy Anadrol in combination with other AAS, it is not recommended to use it in conjunction with the 17-alpha alkylated steroids. Given to its rapid anabolic effects, Oxymetholone is good for "fast start": the action can be felt almost immediately after ingestion. For a set of muscle mass, Oxymetholone is often used with Trenbolone, Boldenone and Primobolan, to increase the power performance - with testosterone esters and stanozolol suspension (but the last mix is ​​quite dangerous for the cords, and at the wrong reception and exceeded the allowable loads can cause damage or even break).

Oxymetholone is also often used by bodybuilders before competitions directly, because it gives the fullness to muscles.

Oxymetholone Side Effects

Liquid Anadrol is hardly produced and so far only is found the drug from PharmaCom Labs and receiving a 17-alkylated steroid - has a toxic effect on the liver. The advantage is the absence of substances of estrogenic activity. But, despite this, there are often cases of gynecomastia, edema and excessive accumulation of fluid in the body. Structurally steroid is derived form dihydrotestosterone, and shows no progestogen exposure. Sometimes there are side effects of Oxymetholone as diarrhea, mild nausea, appetite deterioration. Compared with most AAS, Oxymetholone less reduces the level of endogenous testosterone.

Oxymetholone Reviews

Among the athletes, has rooted an opinion about this steroid as one of the most dangerous AAS. Reviews of Oxymetholone talk about the feasibility of building the cycle "ladder", starting with the minimum dose. The daily rate should be divided into equal shares for the purpose of providing a common hormonal. Athletes mention a rapid increase in muscle mass and power indicators. At the same time there is a significant rollback phenomenon, and after the cancellation of the cycle the loss of weight gained can be up to 50%.

Reviews of Anadrol by the female audience is extremely rare, this steroid is almost never used by girls due to the high probability of virilization and masculinization.

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