Oxy for Sale
- Active substance: Oxymetholone
- Presentation: 30 pills (50 mg/pill)
- Manufacturer: Gen-Shi Laboratories
- Link: https://www.anabolic-steroids.biz/genshi-orals-1265/oxy-24895.html
- Listed: February 25, 2015 9:55 am
Oxy (Oxymetholone 50 mg) from Gen-Shi Laboratories – the most powerful oral anabolic steroid. Active component – Oxymetholone, produced in the 60-ies of the last century by the company Syntex Pharmaceuticals. Initially, the drug was designed to treat anemia and osteoporosis as well as to stimulate muscle growth in a weak patients. But after it was approved by the FDA in USA, then began its active use by athletes. The use of Oxymetholone as a medical tool has decreased due to the fact that later appeared more effective drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis and anemia. Although the popularity of the drug in medicine today is small, recent studies have shown that it can be effective in the treatment of HIV-infected patients. As a consequence, full Oxymetholone medicine has not disappeared.
The high anabolic (320% of testosterone) and low androgen (45%) properties of the drug made him extremely popular among bodybuilders and weightlifters.
Oxy Effects
- Fast growth of muscle mass. Oral steroids equal to Oxymetholone does not exist. For the first two weeks of the cycle, an athlete can gain up to 5-7 kg of muscle mass, and at the end of the cycle he can add up to 15 kilograms. Despite the rollback phenomenon (maximum loss of muscle mass after discontinuation of the drug by 30%), caused significant water retention, Oxy is still very effective.
- Increase in power rates.
- Improving the mobility of joints, eliminating the pain. In connection with the ability to stimulate the body to make synovial fluid, Oxy helps alleviate joint pain and improves mobility.
- Reducing SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin binding). This property makes the effect of the other anabolic steroids more pronounced and rapid.
Oxy Dosage / Cycle / Stack
Oxy cycle is not recommended to athletes who have not reached 21 years. The drug is used solely as a means to gain a set of muscle mass and is not suitable for athletes focused on endurance. Oxy recommended length of the cycle is 4 to 6 weeks, depending on your sporting experience, experience with anabolic steroids, weight and some other individual indicators. The maximum daily dose – 200 milligrams. You should start with 50 mg. The drug “ladder” is appropriate for the first cycle, when you do not know the body’s reaction to the steroid. In all other cases Oxy is taken without change in dosage until the completion of the cycle.
How to take Oxy 50 mg in combination with other steroids? It is important to leave only Oxymetholone as 17-alpha-alkylatrd steroid on cycle, because otherwise you may harm your liver. Oxy from Gen-Shi Laboratories provides fast anabolic effect, and therefore is often used in conjunction with long-acting steroids. The ability to “Quick Start” is important for many athletes. After completing the Oxymetholone cycle, you should held PCT for 3-4 weeks to recover natural testosterone levels.
Oxy Side Effects
Side effects from Oxy occur more frequently than other oral AAS. This is due to its powerful effect on the body. But when properly compiled to date and with post-cycle therapy in 99% of cases, side effects are minimal or do not occur. There are a number of conflicting studies on the Oxymetholone effects on the liver. You can almost with absolute precision argue that at minimum and medium dosages Oxy is not dangerous for the organism.
Oxy Side Reviews
Professional athletes often leave Oxy reviews, which warn fans from using this drug. They can accept, because Oxymetholone is too powerful to start taking AAS.
Reviews on Oxymetholone from Gen-Shi Laboratories by competing athletes suggest maintaining a high concentration of a substance in the blood for a long time after the cancellation of the cycle. And because of its reception, athletes cannot compete without masking agents. Very happy with steroid are bodybuilders: they praised the preparation for the quick set of muscle mass and a significant increase in strength.
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