Testosterone Blend (Sustanon) is a mixture of different forms of testosterone. The first company that issued Testosterone Blend, was an American company - Organon. Mixed hormones are exceptional therapeutic agents and are used when there is insufficient production of testosterone by the body. Today is an epidemic of this steroid use in sports pharmacology.
The drug consists of four testosterone esters: Propionate, Phenylpropionate, Decanoate and Isocaproate. All of them are absorbed into the blood stream at different rates. In fact, it determines the characteristics and features of the steroid. Testosterone Blend is capable of supporting high on concentration of the hormone throughout the month. The sequence of substances entering the blood: the first begins to act Propionate, followed by - Phenylpropionate, then - Isocaproate and the last is last Decanoate. Testosterone Blend is very convenient, because it does not require frequent injections, and thus performance is not inferior to forms of testosterone taken separately. However, the price typically is higher.

Testosterone Blend Steroid Profile
- Anabolic activity - 100% of testosterone.
- Androgenic activity - 100% of testosterone.
- The suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes - expressed.
- Effects on the liver - are absent.
- Detection time at Doping Control - up to 3 months.
- Release form - injections.
Testosterone Blend Effects
- A significant increase in muscle mass. Solo cycle allows gain up to 6 kg.
- Increase in power rates.
- Inhibition of catabolic processes.
- Stimulation of hematopoiesis. Testosterone Blend admission increases red cell mass of the blood, which helps to improve endurance.
- Increase libido, increasing sexual desire.
- Increased appetite.
Testosterone Blend Dosage / Cycle / Stack
The use of this steroid is not recommended to minors and to those who have at least some contraindications. The average duration of a Testosterone Blend cycle solo varies from 6 to 8 weeks. In a longer term should further include Gonadotropin. To maintain a consistently high concentration of hormone in the blood, the injections are performed weekly. Dosage ranges from 250 to 500 milligrams.
Admission of aromatase inhibitors is starting from the second week of the cycle and ends after 1-2 weeks for its completion. After about 3 weeks after the Testosterone Blend cycle, PCT begins to restore normal testosterone production by the body. Hormone level returns to the usual mark of about a month after receiving the booster. Specialized sports nutrition and proper diet can help achieve better results.
Combined Cycles
As for how to take Testosterone Blend in combination with other AAS, for a muscle set the best combination is the inclusion of Nandrolone, for relief and "drying" - Winstrol. Properly chosen combination of steroids provides a better effect than that which can be obtained by using them separately (so-called synergy). Moreover, it decreases the probability of adverse reactions.
Testosterone Blend Side Effects
Testosterone Blend is no different from other forms of testosterone, and therefore just shows estrogenic activity. Perhaps the development of edema, gynecomastia, suppression of own hormonal background, the excessive accumulation of fat. Such reactions are eliminated timely by intake of antiestrogens, the best are aromatase inhibitors. As for Tamoxifen and other selective estrogen receptor modulators, they are only used for PCT. The most severe side effects of Testosterone Blend is the development of testicular atrophy. To prevent it, the duration of the cycle is limited to two months (or in parallel is injected gonadotropin) and, of course, taken antiestrogens. Most often, instruction manual contains all the necessary instructions to ensure optimal effect and minimize the negative manifestations.