Azolol for Sale
- Active substance: Stanozolol
- Presentation: 100 tabs (5 mg/tab)
- Manufacturer: British Dispensary
- Link:
- Listed: April 16, 2015 11:51 am
Azolol Capsules – steroid capsules of synthetic origin, produced by the Thai manufacturer British Dispensary. The active ingredient – Stanozolol, was opened by Winthrop Laboratotries in 1962. The product was developed for use in cross-country riding, but after the FDA approval, gained great popularity in the sports circles. Azolol is characterized by high stability and bioavailability. In medicine, it is used for the treatment of angioedema and anemia.
The only drawback of the drug (in the form of capsules and tablets) is its toxicity (due to the presence of the alkyl group in the alpha position – 17, Stanozolol is not destroyed when passing through the liver). However, Azolol – one of the most safe steroids, whereby it is often used by women. The main prerequisite for this – a slight androgenic activity, and low probability of masculinization and virilization.
Azolol Effects
- Muscle definition. Stanozolol is very popular in bodybuilding due to the fact that it does not increase the total body weight, but strengthens the venous relief.
- Reduction of body fat.
- Excretion of accumulated fluid.
- Increase in power rates. It is a valuable feature for members of sports with weight categories. Azolol for sale is often used by boxers, wrestlers and athletes. The drug can increase performance in power exercises (sprinting) without gaining extra muscle mass.
- A twofold reduction of sex hormone binding globulin.
- Antiprogesteronic and anti-estrogenic effects.
Stanozolol has highly anabolic (320% of testosterone) and low androgenic activity (30%). Unaffected flavoring. Toxicity to the liver – small. Detection time for doping control – from 340 to 360 days.
Azolol Dosage / Cycle / Stack
Solo Azolol cycle is best suited for athletes who are interested in a small set of muscle mass (or maintaining it) with increasing power performance, endurance and muscle visual rendering. The product is ideal for athletes with moderate body fat and the average body mass. The most effective Azolol dosage in tablets and capsules is considered 30-50 milligrams daily. Duration of reception – from one month to two. PCT is recommended for long cycles.
How to take Azolol capsules in combination with other anabolic steroids? It all depends on your goals. If the task is to set the maximum muscle mass, it is advisable to carry out a combined Azolol cycle with strong androgens (such as Oxymetholone, Testosterone or Methandrostenolone). In such cases, steroid plays a balancing role, reducing estrogenic effect, arising from the reception of potent anabolics. As a post-cycle therapy it is used Clomid or Nolvadex. Proper construction of the cycle allows you to gain significant muscle mass growth with minimal water retention and fat formation. As for the Azolol reception to lose weight, the most effective combination – with Trenbolone: this combination gives the muscles firmness and definition.
Azolol Side Effects
Azolol is one of the safest anabolic steroids. Despite the rather impressive list of possible side effects (rise in blood pressure, joint pain, acne, hair loss, suppression of testosterone, myocardial hypertrophy, liver toxicity), they occur very rarely. Not for nothing because the drug is used by women. For the most part, side effects from Azolol are provoked by excess of the recommended dosage and/or duration of the cycle.
Azolol Reviews
Positive reviews of Azolol by British Dispensary show high efficacy as a fat burning tool that can increase vascularity and muscle relief. Convenient dosing (5 and 10 mg) allow you to vary the daily rate and to select an optimal “weight” of the substance.
Azolol reviews by women who are taking steroid talk about its security and the absence of virilization phenomena and masculinization.
Alternative Azolol Suppliers – Buy Azolol Online by British Dispensary
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