Testo-P for Sale
- Active substance: Testosterone Propionate
- Presentation: 2 mL vial (100 mg/mL)
- Manufacturer: Gen-Shi Laboratories
- Link: https://www.anabolic-steroids.biz/genshi-injectables-1266/testo-p-200-24939.html
- Listed: April 9, 2015 10:28 am
Testo-P from Gen-Shi Laboratories – drug testosterone based ester. Active substance – Testosterone Propionate. According to statistics, it is one of the most popular steroid among athletes. It is rapidly excreted from the body and has a low duration because of its short chain ester. Testo-P is often taken by athletes immediately before the competition: it allows you to easily go through the procedure of doping control.
For the first time, testosterone propionate was put on the pharmacological market in the 30s of the last century by the company Shering. At that time it was the only testosterone ester. But today Test Prop has not lost its popularity, because its properties has no analogues. Testosterone is the main androgenic hormone for any drug. When connecting or disconnecting the testosterone atoms, pharmacists can synthesize a variety of other drugs. Testosterone Propionate – Testosterone is attached to the molecule of propionic acid, which determines its pharmacological characteristics.
Testo-P Effects
- Increase in muscle mass.
- Fat-burning effect.
- Improving muscle relief.
- Improving athletic performance.
- Increased sexual desire in the course of preparation.
- Reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and cardiac ischemia.
A feature of Propionate is its short duration. When properly selected Testo-P dosages, it does not retain water in the body and allows you to gain quality muscle mass. If we compare the drug with the Test Enanthate (a long-acting ester) propionate allows you to get more lean muscle, although growth can not be called rapid. Thus, propionate is most commonly used by bodybuilders on the cycle of drying, Enanthate and – for a set of muscle mass. Testo-P is the most gentle form of testosterone and fit athletes of all skill levels.
Testo-P Dosage / Cycle / Stack
Members may well restrict the solo-cycle preparation. Taking it to be in dosages of 100 to 200 milligrams every 3 days or every other day. This is the amount of substance which is sufficient to provide an inexperienced athlete significant anabolic effect. At minimum dosages of Testo-P are recommended for representatives of sports-oriented endurance. The pharmacokinetics of the drug is such that the maximum concentration in the blood is observed after 1-2 days after administration. On the third day, testosterone in blood is greatly reduced, and approximately at 5th – reaches the initial value.
Testo-P cycle lasts 4 to 8 weeks. At high dosages are advised to take anti-estrogen drugs. Tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors should be incorporated into the cycle from the second week to the end and make use of AAS, or as a post-cycle of therapy.
How to take Testo-P in conjunction with other steroids? In the cycle of drying is recommended to be combined with Trenbolone Acetate, Primobolan Depot, Masteron and Stanozolol. You can use Testo-P for a set of muscle mass, but this is not the most efficient for this drug.
Testo-P Side Effects
Testosterone propionate is rapidly converted to DHT and estrogen, and therefore at high dosages and incorrectly drawn regimen may cause some androgenic side effects: hair loss, masculinization in women, prostate enlargement, hirsutism (increased hair growth on the body), gynecomastia, and acne. To the side effects of Testo-P, to be bypassed, you should stick to the recommended rate and not to raise the dosage.
Testo-P Reviews
For a long time, use of the drug as the main pharmacological agents have accumulated numerous reviews about Testo-P from Gen-Shi Labs. All of them are characterized by a steroid as “mild” and does not cause side effects.
Reviews of Testo-P talk about its high efficiency as a preparatory tool before the competition. Athletes say that the discontinuation of testosterone propionate after 2 weeks prior to doping control can help prevent problems.
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