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Testo-S for Sale

Testo-S (Testosterone Suspension) by Gen-Shi Laboratories
genshi testosterone suspension


Testo-S represents pure testosterone and has no other compounds or esters attached. Although painful while injected, it is often used by and athletes because it represents the extreme dose. It produces anabolic and androgenic effects which is stronger than in case of any other testosterone.

genshi testosterone suspension

Gen-Shi Testosterone Suspension

It also increases nitrogen retention in the muscle increased levels of the growth in both the muscle tissue. Testo-S is used in most cases by the in cutting cycles. By being a very powerful product the suspension makes muscle gain and this process is usually accompanied by severe bloat and water retention.

The usual daily dosage is of 50-100 mg for men and it is not recommended for women.

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Listing ID: 5665540c8432293b

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