Supersets Can Recharge Your Workout
Anyone who has worked out for any period of time, knows that soon or later, you are going to hit the dreaded plateau, that point where you can longer lift heavier weights no matter how much time has gone by.
When that happens, it is time to recharge your workout by incorporating supersets.
What are Supersets?
Supersets are two exercises done back-to-back with no rest between the two exercises. Generally there are two types of supersets. One is the same muscle superset where both exercises focus on the same muscle group.
The second is opposing muscle supersets where the exercises focus on working different but related muscle groups.
Same Muscle Supersets
Same muscle supersets are a great way to increase the intensity of any workout. By working the same muscle group back-to-back, same muscles supersets promote muscle growth without the use of heavy weights.
This can be great for those of us who do not always have a spotter present or do not have access to larger weights.
Same muscle supersets are also called muscle overload supersets because the force the muscle group to work even after being fatigued by the first set.
A good example of same muscle supersets is doing split squats followed by a walking lunge. Both exercises target the quadriceps and calves, thus overloading the muscles by forcing them to do two exercises back-to-back.
When adding same muscle supersets to your workout, however, be careful not to overuse the superset as the muscles are worked very hard. It may be best to add same muscle supersets to your workout once a week.
Opposing Muscle Supersets
Opposing muscle supersets are the more popular form of supersets used in gyms today. By using the opposing muscle technique, lifters work one muscle group and then follow that by working a muscle group that counters the one just worked.
An example of this would be working your biceps followed by a tricep exercise.
Opposing muscle supersets have many advantages. First, working a related but muscle group immediately after an exercise actually helps the first muscle group rest and recover by providing the increased blood flow and movement.
Second, by performing back-to-back exercises, you can keep your heart rate up and keep your body performing at a higher level.
While opposing muscle supersets are not as taxing as same muscle supersets, it is still a good idea to watch out and take notice if repetitive injuries start occurring. But generally, opposing muscle supersets can be worked into your regular work out rotation.
Keep It Interesting
Adding supersets to your workout can be a great way to make your workout more interesting and looking for different and unexpected supersets can be a great way to shake things up as well.
One little known superset is military press followed by lat pull downs. Both exercises work the shoulders and obliques but in different ways making it a great super set to add to a workout.
Time Saver
Doing two exercises in the span of what it normally takes to do one exercises is naturally a time saver and may help you get to the gym more or even get a better workout in.
If time constraints have been keeping you away from the gym, supersets may be a great way for you to get your workout in and get the desired results.
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